San Angelo PAGA By-Laws

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The name of this organization shall be the PAN-AMERICAN GOLF ASSOCIATION OF SAN ANGELO, here after referred to as the Club. 


The official colors of the Pan-American Golf Association of San Angelo shall be Royal Blue.


The official logo of the Pan-American Golf Association of San Angelo shall be: (Amended January 2005)  





Section1.  The purpose of this Club shall be to preserve the history, traditions and ideals of the National Pan-American Golf Association by bringing together individuals interested in the sport of golf, instilling a sense of fair play, the desire to spend time enjoyable and to promote the amateur golf in the community. Section 2.  This Club has been established in accordance with, and is subject to, the rules and regulations of the National Pan-American Golf Association and its objectives will be generally in accordance with those of the parent organization. Section 3.  To cooperate with and solicit good, friendly relations with local civic and athletic organizations and with other Pan-American Golf Association Chapter members. Section 4.  To provide a governing body to administer the affairs of the club consistent with national rules and regulations and to plan, coordinate and enforce the provisions of this constitution and its by-laws. 




Section 1.  Any individual, male or female, in good standing in the community may solicit membership in this Club by application, oral or written, to any active member. Section 2.  All individuals duly accepted, as active members shall be subject to the rules and regulations of the club and the national organization. Section 3.  It will be mandatory for all members to participate in the min-max handicap systems. Section 4.  Each member shall be assessed annual dues as shall be set by the Club members. (Amended January 2005) Section 5.  There will be NO ASSOCIATE MEMBERS. Section 6:  Current members not paid by January 31 will be dropped from the mini-max handicapped system.  (Added January 2005) Section 7:  Any member over 65 years of age will be assessed an annual due of$20.00 or as shall be set by the Club members.  Individual must have been a member the previous year.  (Added January 2005)/Amended November 2008 Section 8:  There will be no assessment for current and active Charter Members.  There are currently 4 active Charter Members.  (Added January 2005)                          




Section 1.  Officers of the club shall be a President, Vice-President, Secretary, Treasurer, Reporter, and Sergeant-At-Arms, and will elected from the active membership. Section 2.  A Board of Directors comprised of three (3) active members will be appointed by the President to serve in an advisory capacity and will assist the elected Club officers in the administration and operation of the club. (Amended January 2005)                                        Section 2A.  Two Board of Directors will serve 2-year terms.  Section 2B.  One Board of Director will serve a 1-year term and will be           automatically filled by the outgoing President.  The other 2 Board of Directors will be appointed by the current President and must have at minimum of 5 consecutive years of active membership.Section 2C.  Any expenditure exceeding $2,000 must be approved by at least 2/3 of the Board of Directors.  Section 3.  The term of each office will be for one (1) year.  Officers may serve no more than two (2) consecutive terms in the same office; however, they may be elected to serve in different offices or to serve additional terms in future years. (Amended January 2005) Section 4.  The club business year will be the calendar year.  Newly elected officers and directors will take office immediately following their installation. Section 5.  Elections of officers will be conducted annually.  The place and time of said elections shall be announced to the general membership at least thirty (30) days prior to the scheduled elections. The Chairman of the Elections Committee will solicit candidates for officers and conduct elections.  (Amended January 2005) Section 6.  The duties of the officers shall be as follows:PRESIDENT:  The President shall preside at all meetings of the members and shall be responsible for the general administration of the club’s affairs, except as otherwise provided.  The President must submit an annual budget to the general membership no later than the February monthly meeting.  This budget must be approved by the general membership and 2/3 majority of the Board of Directors.  The President will be responsible for sending out monthly newsletters, which will update the club membership on club activities.  (Amended January 2005)VICE PRESIDENT:  The Vice President shall discharge the duties and exercise the functions of the President when the latter is absent or unable to preside.  He shall promote and publicize all Pan-American Golf Association activities occurring at both the local and national level.SECRETARY:  The Secretary shall be responsible for the maintenance of all club records, including membership and attendance records, minutes of general club meetings, special meetings, committee reports and carry on all correspondence of the club.TREASURER:  The Treasurer shall be responsible for all the club’s funds and present a financial statement to the club officers and directors as often as the President may direct.  He will receive all income for deposit and substantiate financial reports at general and special meetings and will keep accounts of all assets, including all material and equipment. The Treasurer will provide monthly financial reports to the club and will provide quarterly reports updating the members on club holding and investments. (Amended January 2005)REPORTER:  The Reporter shall be responsible for obtaining and disseminating information and news of all club activities.  He shall compile all data available and publish a bulletin once a month.  Newsworthy items will be published in local newspapers to promote interest and enthusiasm in club activities.SERGEANT-AT-ARMS:  The Sergeant-At-Arms shall be responsible for maintaining order at all meetings.  He will be familiar with proper parliamentary procedures.


 MEETING PROCEDURESSection 1.  The constitution and by-laws shall be strictly adhered to at all meetings.  Robert’s Rule of Order (Revised) shall govern wherever and whenever applicable if no inconsistencies exist with the constitution and by-laws. Section 2.  Regular meetings of the Club will be held at least once a month at a time prescribed by the officers of the club. Section 3.  Special meetings will be held as designated by the club president. Section 4.  The Club Officers and Directors will meet at least once quarterly at the direction of the Club.  ARTICLE VI COMMITTEESSection 1.  Committees will be used to help administer the affairs of the club.  Active members will be used to chair all committees so as to promote interest and enthusiasm in the club activities. Section 2.  Members of the committees will be appointed by the President on the advice and counsel of the club officers and board of directors. Section 3.  All committee activities will be governored by the chapter constitution and its by-laws. ARTICLE VII VACANCIESSection 1.  Should the President resign or otherwise become unable to complete his term of office for any reason, the Vice President will automatically assume the office of the President. Section 2.  Should an officer or director resign his post for any reason, the President will appoint another member to complete the term of office within thirty (30) days.  Should an officer or director resign within sixty (60) days of the completion of his term, the President may elect to defer appointing a replacement in lieu of the forthcoming election.      ARTICLE VIII AMENDMENTSSection 1.  Changes to this constitution and by-laws may be made by calling a special meeting of the general membership.  The time and place of such a meeting shall be designed by the President. Section 2.  Any member in good standing wishing to amend this constitution and its by-laws must first petition the club officers at least forty-five (45) days prior to calling the special meeting. Section 3.  A majority of the members present at the special meeting will be required to ratify any amendments to this constitution and its by-laws.    PAN-AMERICAN GOLF ASSOCIATION OF SAN ANGELO***BY-LAWS***  I.  MEMBERSHIPSection 1.  Any individual, male or female, in good standing in the community may solicit membership in this chapter by application, oral, or written to any active member. Section 2.  Membership applications shall be submitted in person on regular meeting nights, at any club activity, or may be presented by an active member who is acting as a sponsor for the applicant. Section 3.  Resignation of membership shall be written notification to the club officers. Section 4.  Application for membership will be accompanied by the initial payment of annual dues and mini-max fees. II.  DUESSection 1.  Annual membership dues shall be set by the membership committee and will be effective upon approval by a majority of the membership at any regular scheduled meeting or duly called “special meeting”. (Amended April 6, 1999) Section 2.  A mini-max fee is included in the annual membership dues collected from the members.  The Treasurer, to pay for the mini-max handicap system, will remit the fee in accordance with established procedures. (Amended April 6, 1999) III.  ELECTIONSSection 1.  The term of office will be for one (1) year beginning January 1st and ending December 31st of each year.  Installation of officers will be accomplished at a suitable ceremony no later than the second week in January.   Section 2.  Election of club officers shall be conducted at the December monthly meeting. (Amended January 2005) Section 3.  Appointment of Board of Directors shall be conducted by January of each year. Section 4.  The time and place of all elections will be announced to general membership by written communication at least thirty (30) days prior to the scheduled election. Section 5.  Officers and directors appointed to fill vacancies shall not be considered to have served full terms in that office and may eligible for election to consecutive terms.    Section 6.  Robert’s Rules of Order (Revised) shall govern all club elections. IV.  MEETINGSSection 1.  Regular club meetings will be held the first Tuesday of each month. Section 2.  Club officers and board of directors will meet at the discretion of the President. (Amended January 2005) Section 3.  A majority of the members present at the first meeting shall be required to adopt any resolutions affecting the club membership. Section 4.  10% of the membership shall constitute a quorum.  (Amended 2002) V.  COMMITTEESSection 1.  Committees will be recommended by the club officers immediately upon taking office.  The President will appoint committee chairmen no later than January 31st of each year. Section 2.  Recommended standing committees are as follows: (Amended January 2005)   Tournament Committee     Membership Committee     Handicap Committee   Scholarship Committee     Election Committee   VI.  EQUIPMENT  AND INVENTORYSection 1.  The Treasurer will conduct an inventory of all equipment owned.  The inventory will represent a formal record of the Club’s equipment. VII.  CONTROL OF FUNDSSection 1.  The Treasurer, President, and Vice President are authorized to sign checks required to conduct the business of the club.  The Treasurer will normally perform this function, however, in his absence, the President and Vice President may make necessary payments. Section 2.  The Treasurer will be authorized to make payment of routine recurring bills and payments of expenditures authorized by the membership in the conduct of regular club meetings. Section 3.  Payment of extraordinary expenditures that exceed $100.00 shall require the signature of any two club officers authorized to sign checks. Section 4.  Receipts and supporting documents must be obtained and maintained by the Treasurer for all expenditures.                        Section 5.  Auditing of the treasury records will be conducted on the second and fourth quarter of each fiscal year.  The Board of Directors will conduct this audit. Section 6.  The President has sole discretion to authorize expenditures not to exceed $100.00 per quarter. (Approved January 2005) Section 7.  Separation of club operating funds and scholarship funds.  Any fund designated for the scholarship program shall be kept in a separated designated account to be specifically used for only scholarship fund raising activities and annual scholarship awards.  This fund will fall under the same controls as designated for other funds of the club.  (Approved January 2005) Section 8.  Any transfer of Club investments and/or holdings must be approved by the Club Officers and 2/3 majority of the Board of Directors.  (Approved January 2005)